Anwar: Stop soliciting, giving commissions for development projects

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 17): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (pictured) wants the practice of soliciting and giving commissions in the implementation of any development projects, including housing, to be stopped immediately.
He said the government had never prevented any company from conducting its operations and earning profits, and the practice of giving commissions to any minister or political party for that purpose should not continue to persist.
“If the company is making profits, [there would be] no problem, but don’t cut RM10 million or RM15 million [in the company’s profits] just for a minister or any political party as practised before. This is what damages [the system]. I understand many would be angry with me for addressing this issue, but everyone knows. Just ask the developers in the federal territories.
“Am I right, or am I wrong? Am I exaggerating, or am I telling the truth? Without exception, everybody would say yes, and that has been the practice, and we have done so. We have to stop this nonsense,” Anwar said when launching the Residensi Wilayah, Residensi Prihatin Madani and Madani Hawkers Centre ground-breaking ceremony at Desa Tasik Sungai Besi here on Thursday (Aug 17).
He said that it is better for the “commission allocation” to be returned to the people by implementing more balanced development projects, including housing for low-income groups, or more organised markets and hawker centres.
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