Only 2.8% of 730 Works Ministry projects in 2023 considered ‘sick’ — minister

KUALA LUMPUR (March 12): A total of 182 projects, worth RM4.63 billion, carried out under the Ministry of Works had been completed, said Works Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi (pictured).
He said only 21 projects or 2.8% of the 730 projects under construction in 2023 were classified as sick projects.
“The number of sick projects is small compared to the projects that are active and have been completed. The ministry is always monitoring these sick projects and taking intervention measures to save them,” he said when winding up the debate on the motion to thanks for the royal address on behalf of the ministry in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Nanta said the ministry had received a total of 12,245 complaints through the MyJalan application regarding damage to roads, traffic lights and street lights, signboards, street furniture and other public facilities.
However, only 25.91% or 3,173 complaints involved roads under the ministry’s supervision, he added.
“A total of 2,345 complaints have been resolved, with 2,193 or 93.52% resolved within one to 30 days,” he said.
According to Nanta, the Ministry of Works also aims to add 79 more shaded areas for motorcyclists on the highway this year.
“This brings to a total of 119 motorcycle shelter locations built under the initiative of the ministry, the Malaysian Highway Authority, and concession companies throughout 2023-2024, in addition to the existing 353 motorcycle shelters along the highway,” he said.
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